©Hunybees Designs is a small home based business that derived from my love for designing web pages and graphics. My name is Jan, owner of Hunybees Designs, and I have been working with web pages for over 20 years now.
I launched this online business in 2005 and working from home I can devote the quality time to designing your perfect site and give it that personal touch.
Most of what I do and know about designing web pages was self taught initially, but I have since taken formal Web Design and Webmastering courses. I successfully completed the Webdesign & Webmaster Course, graduated and
received my certificate from Brantford Educational Services in Ontario, Canada in 2005. I have also completed the WebCEO Search Engine Marketing course which requires me to recertify annually. My training with Brantford Educational Services includes
Web Page Design Level 1,2 and 3, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, CGI Perl, Flash just to name a few. I still continue to learn as much as I can and keep up with the ever changing standards that are essential to producing a successful and productive website.