Hunybees Designs would like to assure all our visitors and customers who view this website that we respect their privacy. Our goal is to provide you with quality service and a pleasant experience, and of course, designs. This statement is meant to clarify what information is collected, the reason and how it is used.

Your Privacy:
Rest assured when you supply us with your email address, it is used only by us; either to respond to you directly, or through our mailing list. Your email address is not passed or sold to any external parties. With this in mind you will require a valid email address if a response is required from us. We endeavour to reply to all emails within 3-4 business days.

Website Status:
Our website status system and some counters will collect information from your computer such as your IP address. This information is only viewed and used by us in order to serve you better. This keeps track of our visitors screen resolutions, operating systems, browsers, and the pages that are viewed most often, as well as the time that it is viewed. This information assists us to better improve this site for your next visit.

Client Information:
The information collected from you while visiting this site is expressly for use in processing your order, or by us for development of your custom site or custom template. The information supplied by you for the registration requirements of this site is only accessible by us or by you via your account. PayPal services are used for all money transfers via their secure system and their stringent privacy policy. No credit card or banking information is collected, viewed or retained by us when purchasing any of our services, or graphics.

External Links:
There are links provided for browsing external websites outside of ours. Please note that we cannot at any time guarantee the content of their websites and are not responsible for their privacy practices and/or actions.

**This information is not released to any third party or outside agencies. Your privacy is our concern.**